  • Delegate smart

    财富中文网 2009-04-16 05:19 发现相似文章

    I avoided hands-on management - until my firm spun out of control.By Eve YenWhen I founded Diamond Wipes International, hot hand towels were a new phe...

  • Smart phones. Smart networks. Smart packages?

    Stephanie N. Mehta 2009-11-19 01:56 发现相似文章

    FedEx jumps on the "smart" wagon with a new web-based service.Posted by Stephanie N. Mehta, Assistant managing editorFedEx Corp. (FDX) today is announ...

  • The Cisco of smart grids?

    财富中文网 2009-06-25 01:49 发现相似文章

    Silver Spring Networks' technology helps power companies gather intelligence about their users,¬ making utilities smarter, and greener, in the process...

  • Smart car: Is it the next Saturn?

    Alex Taylor III 2010-10-19 01:44 发现相似文章

    The news about Smart cars last week was another reminder that when automakers stray from industry practice, they do so at their peril. Sometimes conve...

  • Smart轿车在美销量撞墙

    Doron Levin 2011-02-24 11:30 发现相似文章

    汽车大亨罗杰•彭斯克上周放弃了Smart牌微型车在美国的独家经销权。过你不必太为彭斯克感到难过。事实上,彭斯克上周三的这个决定赢得了投资者的一致喝彩。彭斯克汽车集团(Penske Automotive Group)的财务业绩也获得好评,集团股价几乎达到了三年以来的最高值。Smart ForTwo是戴...

  • Smart轿车在美销量撞墙

    Doron Levin 2011-02-24 11:30 发现相似文章

    汽车大亨罗杰•彭斯克上周放弃了Smart牌微型车在美国的独家经销权。过你不必太为彭斯克感到难过。事实上,彭斯克上周三的这个决定赢得了投资者的一致喝彩。彭斯克汽车集团(Penske Automotive Group)的财务业绩也获得好评,集团股价几乎达到了三年以来的最高值。Smart ForTwo是戴...

  • Smart:将步土星之后尘?

    Alex Taylor III 2010-10-19 01:51 发现相似文章


  • Smart money: Sitting out the rally

    财富中文网 2009-10-16 04:55 发现相似文章

    Value investor Steven Romick doesn't see a lot of room to move on Wall Street, but he still sees a few opportunities.By Katie BennerWith the Dow cross...

  • 6招教你当一个SMART型领导

    查大伟 2014-09-04 11:08 发现相似文章

    “你不会理所应当地获得你应该得到的,你只能获得你从谈判中争取到的。”——谈判专家莱斯特•嘉洛斯你有多少次听到有人这样抱怨团队里的另一个成员:• “我只是提了一个很简单的要求……他们就是无法交付我需要的东西。”• “每次我要什么东西,他们就说‘好的’,但是我还是不能在需要的时候得到需要的东西。”• “...

  • Meeker's smart call on Amazon: VC chops?

    Patricia Sellers 2010-12-07 02:04 发现相似文章

    Many people are asking: Will Internet analyst Mary Meeker be savvy enough at spotting brand-new businesses to succeed as a venture capitalist in Silic...